Never stop wondering, questioning, learning, and always stay curious!
Think About This Thursdays #24
Think About This Thursdays #24 We always ‘don’t know, what we don’t know’. So are you constantly asking questions? Are you in the know, and ...
Peter Juergens
Think About This Thursdays #23
It’s perceived that risk and reward reside on the opposite ends of the scale, but is that because we’ve created an atmosphere where rewards are ...
Peter Juergens
Think About This Thursdays #22
Solutions, norms, rules and standards should not dictate a future, yet breaking rank or changing things is not always comfortable as we all face the ...
Peter Juergens
Think About This Thursdays #21
Where is that perfect balance between setting high expectations to elevate performance vs. setting them so high you create an atmosphere of disbelief, apathy, and ...
Peter Juergens
Think About This Thursdays #20
It’s Thanksgiving on this week’s post. So, did you know that Ankara, not Istanbul, is the capital of Turkey? And you thought I was going ...
Peter Juergens
Think About This Thursdays #19
You might say that professions such as a lawyer, doctor, engineer, etc. are quite varied in their thinking, yet why do we bring like minds ...
Peter Juergens
Think About This Thursdays #18
During your last ‘great’ experience, was it just one thing that made it great? We use many of our five senses to engage in an ...
Peter Juergens
Think About This Thursdays #17
Maybe you’ve been to a football game or seen it on TV, but how does an ‘unscripted’ crowd coordinate a stadium full of fans to ...
Peter Juergens
Think About This Thursdays #16
Bit of humor today: I need glasses to see, yet how is it that I can see that my glasses are dirty when I’m not ...
Peter Juergens
Think About This Thursdays #15
We call them users, consumers, visitors, audiences, customers, personas, segments, but have we in turn created a distance from and forgotten that there’s a human ...
Peter Juergens